Things to do in Grafenau

If you have a bit more time in Grafenau, you might consider enjoying the following activities…

Baumei (Tree Egg) and Baumwipfelpfad (Tree-top Walk)

The Baumwipfelpfad offers a wonderful journey above the trees, it includes education signs about the bavarian forest and culminates at the Baumei, an architectural structure, celebrating the forest’s three tree species: birch, firs, and spruce. More info

Gehegezone (Wild Animal Park)

Next to the Baumei and part of the National Forest is a wild animal park, featuring animals that once ran wild in these forests. This natural habitat includes areas with bison, lux, moose, bears, wolves, wild boars, deer and many more creatures of the forest. Entrance is free. More info

Schnupftobakmuseum (Snuff Museum)

Within the city of Grafenau, there is a museum dedicated to snuff! This is the only museum in the world that focuses on this topic, it explores the history, manufacturing and distribution of snuff tobacco. More info


The city of Passau is not far from Grafenau and is also called the “City of Three Rivers” because the Danube is joined in Passau by the Inn from the south and the Ilz from the north. The city features a fortress on the hill above Passau, a beautiful Cathedral and a very nice “old town”. More info

Glass Making

This area of bavaria was once quite famous for glassmaking. Nearby to Grafenau, you can find the cities of Spiegelau, Zwiesel and Riedlhütte (Riedl glassware). Glass making has mostly stopped in these areas, but there are still craftsman and factory stores in the towns. More info


The Lusen, Rachel, and Arber are the local “house” mountains for hiking and all offer fabulous views over the terrain.